Thursday, June 2, 2011


Next up is the overly delicious chicken I made! The recipe I found was actually quite complicated and I think I skipped about 80% of the steps so perhaps these aren’t real yakitori anymore, but they were delicious so I don’t mind what we call them! I remember I made a whole bunch of them and piled them up on a plate. Since both my sisters weren’t there it was just me and my parents eating them. My mom especially loved them and we ended up not leaving just one or two for my sister who would come later. It’s nice when you know something turned out delicious!

3 chicken fillets
5-7 spring unions
5-10 spoons Soy sauce
Half a jar sweet soy wok sauce
1 spoon sake
1 spoon sugar
2-4 spoons broth

1. Chop the spring unions into pieces about as broad as you want the chicken to be (about twice a fingertips length? I don't know how to explain it).
2. Cut the chicken fillets into small pieces.
3. Skewer the chicken fillet and spring unions on bamboo sticks alternatively.
4. Make the sauce by joining the remaining ingredients and mixing it.
5. Dip the skewers into the sauce and line them up on a grill pan. Poor the remaining sauce over the skewers. Grill at high to medium heat. Make sure to turn the skewers every so often. Done!

I wonder if with all the broth I’m using is it noticeable that my mom just made chicken soup I was stealing? Anyway, the chicken was SO delicious and looked just like on the picture! It was a bit of a pain to wash the pan after though, but it was worth it! I feel somewhat bad for using all these ingredients that are going to be a pain to find again and not really remembering the amounts, but you got the main idea and you could use anything with this really. The original recipe asks mirin, sake, shoyu and kuzu, of which I only used the sake and tried to limit that as I completely hate the taste of it. Shoyu, apparently, is just a sort of soy sauce, so I guess I have that one too! But if you can find these ingredients you can always give it a try! I’d probably go around smelling every single ingredient and then deciding which one I want most of in my sauce! Then add a little more of everything until I think it tastes right. A good way to go right?

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