Sunday, April 18, 2010

Meringue frosting on a Swirly Sacher Torte

I really didn’t bother with making any pie this time, and since we still had a package of add-water-and-done!-cake I decided to make this Sacher Torte out of a package. The cake turned out just as planned and it tasted really nice. I love the smell of Sacher Torte! But, I wouldn’t be posting without a recipe and to make this Torte a bit more of a challenge I made a new type of frosting: Meringue frosting. I thought it couldn’t go wrong in any way, and it didn’t. Like most frostings this is a really easy one that anyone can make!



2 egg whites
1 cup of icing cugar (110 gram)
2/3 cup of butter (150 gr)

1. Let’s start off with seperate thing egg yolk from the whites! In a small bowl, whisk the whites till they form soft peaks when you lift your electric mixer and it doesnt fall back immediately.
2. Sif the icing sugar (if needed, I tend to skip it sometimes) and add it bit by bit to the whisked eggwhites. Make sure to start off with just a little bit, and not add too much at a time, you dont want the bubbles to get splatted and fall back!
3. Whisk the butter in a seperate bowl until light and fluffy. Then add the egg-sugar mixture in a few additions and mix well inbetween.
And voilà, a very easy meringue frosting that tastes very nice with almost everything! You can even add some colouring or essence if you like! They come dead last if you were wondering.


On the picture you can see the top cut off, as well as the cake being slices in half. The texture looks good doesn't it? You can use the left-over cake for bonbons like in the Valentine's bonbons I posted earlier.

The cake looked kinda cute, and I tried a new technique I’ve wanted to try for a while. Make a swirl and then ‘web’ it by stroking a toothpick through. That didn’t work out unfortunately! I used plain chocolate, which hardened almost immeditaely which made it impossible to give it the webbed effect. Half of the cake looks good at least! And the taste made up for it!
Defenitely something that’s good for parties. Perhaps next time I should try a real sacher torte and not ready-from-package-type!


The Swirl Sacher Torte cake! Don't you just wanna take a bite?
- and another one? and another one? and just eat the whole thing altogether!!??


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