The spongecake I used is one of the easiest ones and needs the least ingredients. Also, because it doesn’t need any butter, it is fatfree. Because of this though, you can’t keep it well for too long. Note that if you use this spongecake for Swiss rolls or flatcakes, the baking time will be about half. Also you will have to fill and roll as soon as the cake is cool enough to touch, in stead of leaving it to cool for longer.
Ingredients spongecake:
4 large eggs
½ cup caster sugar (115 gram)
1 cup flour (115 gram)
1. Beat the eggs together with an electric mixer till you have a white and fluffy mixture. Add the sugar spoon by spoon until all is well mixed and you have a creamy, airy mixture.
2. Sift the flour and add it to the eggmixture and carefully fold it in (or just mix it in like I like tend to do).
3. Preheat the over to 180 degrees Celsius (or 350 degrees Fahrenheit) and bake the cake for about 15-20 minutes or when the top turns golden brown and a skewer comes out dry. Leave to cool and cut in half with a skewed knife so we can go to the filling!
Look at that batter! I could eat it just like that!
Ingredients whipped cream filling:
500 ml whipping cream
granulated sugar
1. Whip the whipping cream until stiff and add the granulated sugar spoon by spoon until you decide its sweet enough. You can also add colourings, essences, liquors at this point, or completely leave everything including sugar out.
After you’ve spread the whipped cream filling between and all around the cake you can add nougatine like I did. I left the cake on the bottom of the caketin for this, and held it in the air above a bowl. I filled the bowl with nougatine. I ook little hands full and pressed it to the side of the cake. It takes some time and your arm will get sore of holding a cake up plus you can’t press to hard or it won’t look nice, but my cake did in the end so I think it was worth it.
Well what do you think? I think it looks rather professional. Perhaps fruit from a can wasn’t the best choise and I shouldve gone for fresh instead. Especially since the whipped cream doesn’t last either and the whipped cream seems to suck up the juice and change colour. Other than that, it still tasted quite fine and the rest of the family loved it as well. They even thought it looked professional!
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