All the ingredients needed to make sushi. Making sushi is so much fun! You can see leek, chives, dried plums, tuna from a can, smoked salmon, tomatoes, bell peppers and cucmber! Along with a big plate to put the sushi on!
Here you can see it again, but with the soup I made as a starter. Disliked that one! It was a bit salty, at the same time had no taste and sushi nori just didnt go well in it!
Here are some of the sushi we ended up making. We used everything on the other pictures, added some mayonaise and umeboshi puree too. Of course we used sushi nori leaves as well! I have the recipe for how to make sushi here: Simple sushi
The last picture shows some of the little creations I made: a plum filled with rice, a little onigiri and a different-style-sushi.. They were so tiny&cute!
Next was the wok I made. I mixed prawns, mushrooms, corn, leek, bell pepper and snow peas in it. It has a lot of colour so it should be healthy! I mixed it together with a honey-sauce for chicken. It was really delicious!
Of course we cant leave out deserts!! The top picture shows a fruit salad I made. Just some chopped mango, peach, pineapple and grapes together with milk and yoghurt and I think I added some juice too. I always love these fruity salads!
The last picture shows brownie that I made from a package. I was too lazy at that time to buy all the ingredients to make 'real' brownies and my friend just happened to have the package at home. It was still very nice though! I decorated it -poorly- with some icing. I love the english icings!! We should have more of those here in Holland!
Anyway, so far my Christmas dinner! A bit different post than normal, but I'll make sure to upload some more soon! I still have to put up the recipe for my Peanut butter brownies I made that next day... link!
Thanks to my beloved friend Shawn (my first and one-n-only follower!) for the pictures!
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